Spend less and
study smarter with
Digital Textbooks
from RedShelf
Up to 80% less expensive than print
Anywhere access from any device
Built-in study tools
Lightweight and eco-friendly
The RedShelf Edge
Offering nearly one million digital titles, RedShelf has the books you need at a fraction of the price. But that's only part of the reason students choose us. We don't just give you a deal—we give you an edge.
Highlight text and take notes
and share with classmates -
Define unfamiliar words
quickly and easily -
Create flashcards
as you read -
Build study guides
for review and test prep -
Generate citations
(APA, MLA, and Chicago-Style)
instantly and effortlessly -
Have text read aloud
and select the voice and pace -
Print select pages
or read offline when needed
Student Testimonials
“I have been using RedShelf for one semester now and I truly believe that it provides one of the best online platforms for college textbooks. The features that are given to students are very helpful and have made a positive impact in my academic performance. I like the use of the online flashcards and well as the student collaboration features.”
“RedShelf's customer support team and accountability is superb. Every interaction I have with their team is friendly, supportive, and efficient. I know that if there is anything I need help with I can go to them for a quick and correct answer! Couldn't rave more about them.”
“I absolutely love RedShelf! The online annotation features are very useful and I use the flashcard option to study for almost all of my exams.”
“Love that I can access my textbooks on the go AND that they are affordable! Keep up the good work RedShelf!”
“Best price, awesome service. They go the extra mile.”